Monday, September 17, 2012

Have been so busy lately but thank God for His grace!!
Will be updating with pictures as soon as i get them uploaded onto the comp ;)
4 days to Vel's wedding and there's still so much to be settled! *gasps*
Will be back with more updates.

In other news, the iQuit Club’s group of followers has been expanding, and this is a GREAT thing because it means that more people are now aware of the implications of smoking and making the conscious effort to quit and adopt a cleaner, healthier lifestyle :)
Now that the iQuit Club has your attention, let’s take it one step further to promote the cause and encourage more people to join it! When everyone puts in their portion of strength, we can help the others who need help but are too afraid to step out and ask for it. I believe that happiness is only happiness when shared. So, for those who have stories about your quitting journey, please please share it with everyone at the iQuit ClubFacebook page. You’ll be surprised at the difference your story can make to another person’s life..
We all know how inspiring some pictures on Instagram can be.. Why not spread the love there? To pledge your support, all you have to do is take a picture with iQuit’s signature twist and put it up on your Instagram with the hashtag #iamaquitter. And it can be sooo much fun!! Gather your friends and family for a lovely group photo but REMEMBER to pose with the signature twist, too. Also don’t forget to share it on Twitter and FaceBook as well ;) 
The point is to let the message spread to MORE AND MORE people.
 Here's one with the pixies ;)
If you are on your way to quitting smoking, I just wanna say a super hearty congratulations!! :D Achievements are made to be celebrated, so please do share your journey with us by telling us about it via #iamaquitter. Let us celebrate every milestone with you. I am definitely looking forward to hearing more of your successful stories and even those that have failed, just pick yourself up and try again and again and again..
Remember, change is a necessary way of life so… start spreading the message today!!

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